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Together for the Kingdom | A Ministry Team Rooted in the Gospel

Grounded in Christ and Scripture

As we journey through this season of leadership transition, I want to assure you that the foundation of our ministry remains deeply rooted in the truth of scripture. Colossians 2:6-8 serves as our guide: “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.” Our ministry team is committed to walking in Christ, grounded in His truth, and keeping Him at the center of all we do.

Pursuing a Sustainable Rhythm

At Camp Lebanon, we witness our guests encountering the Lord in sacred, intentional, relational spaces—places where they can slow down and be still in God’s presence. However, I recognize that our ministry team is not fully there yet. We’re in a season of growth and busyness, which is why I am deeply committed to leading our team toward a more sustainable rhythm. My passion is to guide us into a pattern that not only allows us to serve well but also to reflect and rest in the same relational space with God that we encourage our guests to embrace.
To help us on this journey, we’ve been working through teachings such as Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer, which provide us with the tools to slow down and realign our lives with the practices of Jesus. In addition, we are actively seeking tools and training to help the team gain efficiencies, improve how we operate, and grow stronger together. This growth includes adding interns and key support pieces that will enable us to serve more effectively while maintaining a healthy, sustainable pace for the team as a whole.

Celebrating Our Team and Progress

As we reflect on the future of our ministry, I want to highlight the incredible work and progress within the ministry team and the people who make it all possible. It’s an exciting time for Camp Lebanon, and much of the momentum we’re seeing is thanks to the dedication and leadership of key individuals.
First of all, the Elevate Discipleship Program is a landmark moment in Camp’s history. This program represents our commitment to investing in young leaders and equipping them for ministry through hands-on experience, spiritual formation, and deeper discipleship. We are blessed with four incredible interns who bring fresh energy and passion to Camp. Their involvement has already made a noticeable impact, and I encourage you to learn more about them in my previous blog post. The Elevate program is a tangible expression of Camp Lebanon’s future and the next generation of ministry leaders.
I also want to acknowledge the incredible legacy that Lisa has built as the leader of the women’s ministry. While she will be completing her time with Camp Lebanon at the end of this year, I’m thrilled to be partnering with Cassie Jean Louis, who will carry this legacy forward with passion and purpose. Lisa’s leadership has laid a strong foundation, and I am confident that the transition will continue to bless our ministry.
Additionally, I’m grateful for Jon Dierenfeld, who has just completed his first year leading our guest ministries. His efforts in re-forging relationships with churches and rental groups have brought remarkable stability to this key area of our ministry.
I want to express my gratitude to Izzy Thostenson, who continues to grow in her leadership of our youth programming. With her graduation from Oak Hills College on the horizon, Izzy has invested countless hours into camp’s youth programming, ensuring that Camp Lebanon remains “The Home of the Funnest Fun.”
Thank you for your prayers, your support, and for being a part of this exciting journey. God is at work in powerful ways, and I look forward to seeing what He has in store for Camp Lebanon in the months ahead.
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