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Welcome, Junior High 1

Junior High 1 campers are here at Camp, and we can tell that it’s going to be an incredible week! Camp is full of endless energy, laughter, and fun. After arriving at this afternoon, campers met their counselors and cabin mates, took their swim tests, and settled into their cabins. They then got the chance to explore main camp, or play games in the Hub. We are glad to see campers having so much fun right off the bat!

Once everyone arrived and had the chance to settle into their cabins, it was time for “Who’s Who” at the Steps of Faith. The non-counseling staff introduced themselves to campers and shared their favorite flavor of ice-cream! Then it was time for Flag Lowering–every morning and evening, we raise and lower the flag. Tonight, a group of staff showed campers how we honor our country by lowering the flag; for the rest of the week, cabins will volunteer to do so. 

Next we went through the Dining Hall to fill our plates and then cabins found a spot around camp for a picnic dinner. Some cabins stayed in the Hub while other decided to dine on a pontoon! After dinner, we will head to the Main Hall to hear our rules for the week. Then cabins will go around Main site for a camp tour! Once everyone is shown around, we will come back to the Main Hall for Chapel where we will meet our speaker for the week, Zach Klein. Zach is a pastor at Upsala Community Covenant Church and will also be leading us in worship for the first half of the week.

Later this evening campers will have Freetime and Canteen. This way they can get some sugar and energy before our first game! Tonight we will be playing Free the Hostage. For this game, all of the cabins will be divided into two teams and each given a side of camp. The goal is to free your team’s hostages that are hidden on the opposing side of camp, while at the same time defending your own hostages!


Talk to your camper about the first night of Camp.  What do they remember doing with their cabin that first night?  What was something they were hoping to learn during their week?   

After the game, everyone will go through our Three T’s: ‘Before you Tuck in, brush your Teeth, and use the Toilet.’ Then we will head back to our cabins to get ready and have a devotional time. Check the link below to see our photo gallery for the week. The gallery will be updated as often as possible. You can also check our socials for more frequent insights of the week.


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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