December 2015 – And Then the Angel of the Lord Showed Up… (Demo)

So, what’s the use anyway? News outlets predict WWIII. The courts redefined marriage. Kids are going to Sunday School less and less and doing Sunday sports more and more. And the costs of operating a camp are going up and up. With so much “bad news,” why should we bother with a Bible Camp ministry at all?

I’m not sure what the shepherds talked about that one special night two millennia ago, but the view from the hills of Bethlehem could not have been too encouraging. Wicked King Herod had a stranglehold on Jerusalem politics and his massive retreat palace was erected on a hill just across the valley. The Romans occupied Judea, sheep prices were down, and no one likes shepherds. On top of all that, Caesar had just ordered an empire wide census! Oh, where was that promised Messiah, anyway?

And then the angel of the Lord showed up. God had a message for those shepherds and for all humanity: “Behold, I bring you good news of great joy that shall be for all people. Today in the city of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord!”

The shepherds found baby Jesus wrapped up and lying in a manger, just like the angels said. And their lives were never the same – beginning that night! Leaving the manger, they couldn’t help but go and tell everyone about what they had just seen and heard.

That baby’s humble arrival changed everything for the shepherds…and for us here at Camp Lebanon. The birth of the Savior explains our mission, commands our obedience, and changes our view from the hill. Hopeless? Hardly. It’s true: “The darker the night the brighter the light.” In fact, we have more reason now than ever to “Go for it!” as a Camp ministry. Thanks for helping us share God’s “Good News!” with kids who are lost and families who are in trouble. Immanuel – God is still with us!

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