We had another sunshine-y, beautiful day for Tuesday of Senior High week! Here’s a few highlights from the schedule…
The Camp Picture / Staff Pictures
Every week, we take an ll-Camp picture – but this week was a bit of a squeeze! The motto of the moment was “get uncomfortably close to your neighbor,” and… well, we did that. Even through the bright, suddenly too-hot direct sunlight was suddenly way too hot for our liking, we squished together to fit in the frame and collectively praised Jesus when a cloud passed over.

After the Camp picture, it was also time for the summer staff picture that will hang on the wall with all the past years’ staff photos in the hallway to the Chapel! Any camper who has been / will be on junior staff or D3 this summer got to join in as well!
New Options and the Craft of the Day
A few new things happened yesterday in terms of free time options. First, our maintenance crew brought up a new-this-summer game from the North 40 called Nine Square in the Air – basically a combination of volleyball and four square – and campers loved it! We also got to do tie-dye shirts for the craft of the day, play Ultimate for the 4:30 option, and zip-line for the first time this week!
Theme Dinner: Wild West
Last night’s dinner was Western-themed in honor of the 2002 “Circle C Ranch” summer theme. The menu included brisket mini sandwiches with barbecue sauce, chili, corn bread and apple pie – so delicious!
Special Event: Coffeehouse
One of the Senior High-specific activities we scheduled for this week was the annual Coffeehouse – basically, an open mic night for campers to hang out in a cozy setting to share music and other acts with each other. We set the chapel up with couches, Christmas lights, and plenty of snacks to get comfortable as we cheered on our friends! Acts this year included music (piano, guitar, singing, keytar), magic tricks, and a little “slam poetry.”

Chapel Things
Let’s talk about what went on in chapel time yesterday.
In the morning, we split campers up for guys and girls chapel. We do this because sometimes, campers really want to address topics that might not be something usually talked about or comfortable to discuss in a mixed group.Yesterday, the guys talked about purity as men; girls talked about leadership, working together and how to respond to Beyoncé-type feminism.
In the evening, Gretchen talked about how shame about our sins can make us feel like we can’t go to God – but God knows what we’ve done and still seeks us out. She reminded us that when we belong to Christ, Satan has no power over us, and prayed that God would grant courage to campers who feel like there’s something that’s keeping them from drawing close to Him.
Please pray for the same – and also that we would keep having fun (even though it’s supposed to rain today) and stay safe. See you later!
0 thoughts on “Senior High Day 3: Open Mic and Western Night”
It seems like there are more photos of staff than the campers!
Hi Connie! Thanks for the comment. We’ll keep trying to get a good mix. All of the pictures will be posted on Camp’s facebook page as well!