With the return of more wintry weather, board members, delegates, and guests showed up on Camp’s doorstep for the annual meeting this past Saturday. Every year, people who love Camp Lebanon travel to this beautiful place to hear reports from our year-round staff, to pray for Camp, and to vote on important issues.
This weekend was particularly special, as the Camp staff and delegates took time to celebrate Phil Gerth’s 27+ years of service at Camp Lebanon and his upcoming retirement. The lobby of the Cedar Bay Lodge was dedicated with displays and pictures featuring the many building projects, work groups, and volunteers that have come through Camp Lebanon during Phil’s years.
Another highlight of the day was the reveal of the plans for Legends Field, Camp’s new Wiffle Ball stadium (in 3D!). With “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” playing over the speakers, Lisa, Laurie and Abigail passed out Cracker Jacks to the delegates. Everyone got to see a detailed depiction of what the stadium on the lower field will look like. Those same plans will be publicly revealed on March 18th at Camp on Wheels!
Once the Annual Meeting was over, it was time for the Camp staff to roll up their sleeves and get to work setting up for a month of Spring Quilt! For four full weeks in March, Camp Lebanon will be home to over 400 quilters who will work on projects together, laugh together, and meet Jesus together. The spring theme, in keeping with the excitement for Legends Field, is “Play Ball!” We had a great time hanging pennants, decking out the kiosk in baseball cards, and pinning various baseball jerseys to the walls! These are just some of the fun things our Women’s Ministries team has planned for quilters this spring!
We are counting down the days to Spring Quilt, all while watching a beautiful snow fall and cover Camp Lebanon once more in white. Reflecting on the last week of preparation, it has hard not to be reminded of the Lord’s faithfulness in this place; whether it is in the 28 years of service from a devoted disciple, the promise of smiles and joy to come in our new stadium, or the ever present and diligent work from our staff team as they prepare Camp for hosting 400 quilters. It is good to reflect on God’s faithfulness in these things and too look ahead, as well as behind, to the fulfillment of His promises!