Camp Journal: Busy as Beavers!

It’s always a busy time at Camp Lebanon, but with the ice melting off of the lake, nature waking up all around us, and green returning to our world, we are beginning to feel the excitement of springtime!  The birds are cheerfully greeting us as we walk under the trees, loons are floating on the newly open waters of Cedar Lake, and a beaver has started to explore Turtle Bay again!

Over this last weekend, Camp welcomed over 100 men to our Men’s Advance event.  Men experienced a meeting place with God through deep fellowship, powerful worship and teaching from the Word.  Our speaker, Dr. Marty Giese, explored what it means to be a disciple, and how we are called by Christ to “go and make disciples.”  He shared great insight and practical application about this call, and there are so many great stories to hear from men who left refreshed, challenged, and changed!

In the meantime, we are preparing for all the excitement of late spring and early summer, with the building of our new Legends Field Wiffle Ball Stadium!  The lumber arrived in the last week and, with the help of our friends from Teen Challenge, we sorted it and prepared it for the building project, which will be happening very, very soon!  To get everyone even more excited, Phil and his team set up a section of the wall, just to give us an idea of where everything would be sitting down on the Lower Field.  We can’t wait to share the progress of Legends Stadium with you as it happens!


In a few short weeks, we will see Dads ‘n’ Lads (& Grandpas!) coming up the driveway!  It’ll be “Field of Dreamers” weekend, and fathers, sons, and grandpas will get to see the stadium coming together right in front of them!  The whole weekend will be full of fun, as we hear stories from a former Twins player and enjoy an Air Show on the North 40 Field!  Can’t wait – the fun of spring is only just beginning!

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