Did you know Camp is building a wiffleball stadium this spring?! We’re so excited to finally share some pictures of the design! The stadium will be named Legends Field, to honor both Camp legends and heroes of the faith. The theme verse of the park will be from Hebrews 12:1-2:
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
The construction of Legends Field will be starting soon here during the month of April, and the dedication (ceremonial first pitch) is scheduled for Memorial Day! Come join us! Before explaining the stadium specifics, we’d like to let you know that we’re still looking for some volunteers to help with construction and painting. Email Phil at pgerth@camplebanon.org if you’re interested. Play ball and Game On!
Look, the first outline of the center field wall has been put together just to get everyone excited!
First, let’s talk about the dimensions. It’s 99′ from home plate to the deepest point in center field, 75′ from home to the right field monster, and 80′ from home to the left field fence. The outfield fence is 5.5′ in left, rises to 8.5′ in center, and then jumps all the way to 12′ tall in right field. The bases are 45′ apart and the pitcher’s rubber is 42′ from the plate.
Legends Field will be situated on the lower ball field, with home plate in the corner nearest the Camp Office. The water you see in the top left corner is Turtle Bay and you can even see a little bit of the Beaver Point Board Walk in the top right corner. Picture yourself standing above the stadium looking over the left field wall toward a beautiful sunset.
This will be the new view when you drive in to Camp (above). Turtle Bay will be on your right and the stadium on your left. The back of the sign will be decorated to fit the Camp theme. Do you see the “press box” on the left side of this picture? We’ll be able to announce game from inside the monster wall.
In this picture (above) we’d like to point out the mezzanine section in center field. The mezzanine is 5 ft off the ground and will be used as storage underneath. The deck will be a great place for a cabin to sit together and will certainly double as a platform for games on the field.
The stadium will include lights and electricity, so we’ll be able to have games and a Home Run Derby under the lights. It’ll also allow us to power microphones and speakers for music.
So there it is, Legends Field. We’re excited to honor some legends, have fun, and bring glory to God through this field. Remember, please contact Camp if you’d like to help volunteer!

Okay, now for the stadium specifics.

0 thoughts on ““Legends Field” Wiffleball Stadium Plans!”
Carter has played the trumpet for a few sporting events, if some music complement applies?