Sewing Machine Changes a Life in Jamaica!

ShaneThe threads of generosity wrap love around the lives of many in need – lives like that of a young Jamaican named Shane. A few years ago, Shane was living at the Jamaica Christian Boys Home in Kingston. Now 20 years old, he is out and on his own.  Normally, this transition is a very stressful time for these young men as they struggle to make it.  Shane’s story is different!

Through the generosity of Camp quilters and the loving presence of the Jamaican Missions Team from Upsala (including Camp staff Phil & Jan Gerth and Linda Day), Shane was presented with a sewing machine and with it, the makings of a new future.

Upon leaving the Boys Home, Shane found placement in an apprentice-type living situation because he had a sewing machine and the skills to use it.  When the team returned to the home recently, they had the joy of reconnecting with Shane. He was all smiles as he told them of being contacted by a local business to make their uniforms and was awaiting the delivery of the fabric so he could start the work. He’s happy and feels successful. And thanks to our Camp quilters and the Jamaican Mission Team, he also has hope and is on his way to a productive future!

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