Camp Journal: Young Adult & Young at Heart

Reflecting on the past week, the two main groups at Camp couldn't have been more different...and yet there were incredible commonalities that provide deep encouragement and joy.

Reflecting on the past week, the two main groups at Camp couldn’t have been more different…and yet there were incredible commonalities that provide deep encouragement and joy.  We praise God for blessing an amazing time at both the Young Adult Retreat (18-35 in age) and the Seniors “Young at Heart” Retreat.

The differences weren’t difficult to discover…

While the Seniors chose to sit next to the fire, the Young Adults were jumping over it.


Both groups helped one another get from one place to the next.  The Seniors preferred a helping hand, friendly escorting arm, or the occasional wheelchair.  The Young Adults chose the piggyback option…


Seniors prefer excellent lighting…Young Adults prefer to glow.


Pathways were cleared and everything was made as accessible as possible for Senior Day. However, we liked to make the paths a bit more challenging for the Young Adults.

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The Seniors prefer to pay some outside guests to put on a concert and entertainment.  The Young Adults, on the other hand, prefer to create their own videos/entertainment and have an awards program.


Yes, there was much variation and customization between the two groups…but what was so amazing to observe was the beautiful similarities taking place in the hearts of all.  

Just 48 hours after 160+ Young Adults finished praying together in the main hall for the upcoming summer ministry, summer staff, and strength to grow as disciples of Christ, the same room was filled with 200 Seniors who were able to hear from staff and pray over them as well.


Just 48 hours after the Young Adults finished being instructed from the Word and delighting in life-giving community, the Seniors were doing the same.

Just 48 hours after the Young Adults had finished singing praises to our Savior, the Seniors were filling the same room with worship to Jesus!  The Young Adults sang “I am free because I’m bound. I am bound for heaven’s gate where my feet will stand on holy ground. I am bound for glory!” The Seniors echoed, “And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll; the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, even so, it is well with my soul.”  The Young Adults belted out, “All my pain, hurt and shame gone when Jesus calls my name. Endless joy, endless praise, all when Jesus calls my name.” And the Seniors sang it another way, “My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!”

What a beautiful thing it is to see the Lord at work in two incredibly different, yet similar groups of people.  We praise Jesus for the way He worked and brought several people to a new-found faith in Him.  We praise Jesus for the way He inspired both young adults and young at hearts to invest in the work of God’s Kingdom. We praise Jesus for the way He brought people together to share in the delight of community.  And we praise Jesus for the way He used Camp as a place to experience “The Funnest Fun” and to meet with Him.

If you want to see more pictures from the Young Adult Retreat, just follow this link:  2017 YAR Pictures

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