A Fabulous Friday!

A blog post for the last day of Junior High 2 at Camp Lebanon

Fridays at Camp Lebanon are sad; they’re full of goodbyes and tired eyes. But even though we’re sad to say goodbye to all of the junior-highers that were here this week, we are so glad that they came!

We had a great last morning. We celebrated the week with our closing rally where we watched the video show of the week, worshipped, took a love offering for our sister camp in Ukraine, heard a final message from our speaker Nate Temp, and we threw pies into the faces of some of our favorite staff members to celebrate memorizing Bible verses. DDE_0038DDE_0016DDE_0053

We are thankful for all of the laughter and learning that happened this week at Camp. We will miss this group of campers, and we’re excited to see them again next year!

Here is a link to the Facebook album with more pictures from the week: Junior High 2


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