Let the Games Begin!

A blog post for the opening day of Senior High Week at Camp Lebanon

The opening day of Senior High Camp has already been filled with a lot of fun and laughter. This group of Senior High campers is energetic, fun-loving, and ready to make new friends and build relationships this week.

We started our fun this week with learning Camp’s rules in a creative way; the campers went all around Camp to learn where things are and to catch the staff members that were breaking the rules. Then, we had a sports-themed dinner of hotdogs, chips, malt cups and root beer. Dinner was served stadium style at the Steps of Faith!


Next, the cabins were split up into teams. Throughout the week, the teams will work together to conquer our week long competition. This year, our competition is video skits! By the end of the week, each team will have made a fun video, and we will watch them all together to decide which team made the best video. Game on! However, tonight is about getting to know each other; the teams spent the evening comping up with a name, a design for their team flag, and a skit to introduce themselves.


After we perform the skits for each other, we will have our first chapel of the week with our speaker Nate Miller. We are excited to hear all of the truths that Nate is going to share with us this week! Tune in tomorrow for all of the fun that the first full day of Senior High Camp will bring!

Here is a link to the Facebook album with more pictures from the week: Senior High

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