Slipping and Sliding into a Great Day

A blog post for Wednesday of Senior High Week at Camp Lebanon

Wednesday of Senior High Week started with a relaxed morning. We enjoyed the Polar Dip and eating a delicious breakfast at the appropriate time of day. After breakfast, we had time to spend alone with God, then we had morning chapel. The men and women split up for chapel once again; today the women talked about Loving Your Neighbor and the men talked about Purity. Morning chapels are always followed by a time of great discussion.

After chapel, it was time for the traditional Senior High Volleyball Tournament! Unlike any other week, the Senior High tournament is filled with crazy music and dance parties, a slip & slide, yard games, and a picnic lunch. Everyone had a blast at the volleyball tournament this year, and a lot of us have the sunburn to prove it!

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The Volleyball Tournament was followed by Mail Call, and then Free Time. Today, Free Time featured swimming, boating, rides down the Screamin’ Eagle Zipline, a game of Ultimate Frisbee, and crafts. The surprise craft-of-the-day today was making handmade soap and bath bombs!

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Dinner tonight was Minnesota themed; we dressed in our best flannels and overalls, and we ate hot dish, jello salad, chicken wild rice casserole, biscuits, and cupcakes decorated to look like little camp fires. Everything was delicious! After dinner we had evening chapel with our speaker Nate Miller. He brought us more ideas to think about how we can live out being a part of God’s team and “living a life that matters.”

After chapel, we played another night game! For tonight’s game, cabins are running all around Camp to complete tasks and unlock video clues to find out where our friend Samuel was taken; he was kidnapped and we have to find him! After the game, we’re off to bed. We’re ready to enjoy the best part of the week tomorrow morning–it’s SLEEP IN DAY! Tune in tomorrow for the last full day of Senior High Camp!

Here’s a link to the Facebook album with more pictures from the week: Senior High

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