Thank You God for an INCREDIBLE Week!

A blog post for the closing rally of Senior High Week at Camp Lebanon

Our closing day of Senior High Camp for 2017 was sweet. It is always hard to say goodbye to new and old friends, but we are incredibly grateful for this week and the ways that God worked through every part of it.DDD_0023 copyDDD_0032 copy

Today, we enjoyed a closing rally that featured an incredible video slideshow, prizes, a short graduation ceremony for all the campers that graduated high school this year, a final word from our speaker Nate Miller, and of course, pies flying. Emily, Mitchell, and Asher will smell like whipped cream for weeks, but it’s all for the sake of celebrating Scripture.

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We had an incredible Senior High week this year, and we saw God move in so many different, unexpected, and exciting ways. See you all next year!

Here’s a link to the Facebook album with more pictures from the week: Senior High

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