Cool Breezes, Competition, and a Crazy Medley!

A blog post for Wednesday of Junior High 3 at Camp Lebanon

Wednesday at Camp was filled with laughter and friendly competition, but the day began  with a chilly dip in the lake, as always. The weather was cool all day, so we had a true Polar Dip this morning. After a wonderful breakfast of French Toast, we had more time to spend alone with God, followed by Clinics and Seminars. Clinics offered our first dose of friendly competition today as campers played volleyball and wiffleball.

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Next, we had morning chapel. Today, the girls talked about Sin, Shame, and Forgiveness, and the guys talked about Communication. We have learned a lot in morning chapel so far this week, and the conversations that are coming from this time have been rich. After chapel, we had lunch and another fun mail-call. Then it was Free Time!

Today, Free Time featured a lot of games, so it was our next dose of friendly competition. Because the weather was chilly, most people spent this time in the hub playing Octoball, Nine Square, and Four Square. Others did crafts, played card games, and played Swat (a fun ball game we play inside). The competition was strong today on the paintball course too!

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As Free Time ended, we enjoyed a delicious dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, then we headed into evening chapel. Tonight, Kirsten talked about what discipline looks like in Scripture. She also talked about what it looks like for us to accept discipline and the ways that she has experienced discipline in her own life. Her stories are captivating and saturated with truth.

Our evening has also offered us more chances for fun competition; we just had our final volleyball game of the last volleyball tournament for the summer, and now we are getting ready to play a game called the Crazy Medley, which is a bunch of Camp games combined into one choice, fun mess. It will be a blast! Tune in tomorrow for everyone’s favorite junior high tradition: SLEEP IN DAY!

Here’s a link to the Facebook album with more pictures from the week: Junior High 3


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