Camp Journal: Father-Daughter Home Run!

Horse rides at sunrise, Wiffleball games, adventure hikes with dad, the last swim of the summer, and a sports-themed banquet - sometimes we wonder how we can possibly fit all of these fun things in to our Father-Daughter Retreat!  This retreat was such a joy to experience with all of these dads and daughters (& grandpas!).  


Horse rides at sunrise, Wiffleball games, adventure hikes with dad, the last swim of the summer, and a sports-themed banquet – sometimes we wonder how we can possibly fit all of these fun things into our Father-Daughter Retreat!  This retreat was such a joy to experience with all of these dads and daughters (& grandpas!).

It was a beautiful weekend and dads and daughters made sure to take advantage of it as much as they could!  What better way to build relationships with your family than taking them on once-in-a-lifetime adventures, like taking a zipline ride across a ravine or a horse ride through Camp Lebanon’s trails?

We were joined this weekend by Andy Phillips, a former baseball player with the New York Yankees, and Bethany Barr Phillips, an amazing worship leader. We loved learning from them over this weekend!

We finished off the weekend with our banquet and campfire – the last night of a weekend retreat always comes too quickly!  Fathers and daughters got the chance to celebrate the Home Run theme by dressing up to support their favorite sports teams.  Then we all hiked out to the campfire to sing some songs and hear one last word from Bobber Bill.

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We just love this weekend! Father-Daughter (&Grandpa) Retreat at Camp Lebanon is always a relaxing and encouraging time.  We love to see fathers loving on their little girls.  Thank you for choosing Camp Lebanon as a meeting place with God for your family!


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