Camp Journal: Just Breathe

The last two weekends in September, Camp Lebanon welcomed over 400 women to meet with God and take a deep breath of fresh, Minnesota air. 


Breathe, just breathe
Come and rest at my feet
And be, just be
Chaos calls but all you really need
Is to just breathe

(Breathe by Jonny Diaz)

The last two weekends in September, Camp Lebanon welcomed over 400 women to meet with God and take a deep breath of fresh, Minnesota air.  We had rainy weather and sunny weather, beautiful fall leaves, and (always) a great view of the chilly Cedar Lake.

Our speaker for both retreats was Kirsten King, returning from Women’s Winter Warm-Up in 2016.  We absolutely love Kirsten, and we laughed and cried at her stories and messages to us.  Her refreshing words and direction into God’s Word encouraged the theme of Just Breathe, and created room for many conversations and discussions throughout the retreats.


We also appreciated our worship leader, Wendy Gordy, who joined us with The Ten Seven Band! Wendy is a great friend to our Women’s Retreats, and we loved having her return to share her heart and to lead us in song – what a gift!


And of course, what would a retreat be without tons of activities?  Camp Lebanon wants to be a place where everyone can come and take a deep breath, and sometimes that breath means getting out and doing something you have never done before.  There were kayakers, hikers, and zipliners…

And we even had a few very brave swimmers!

There were plenty of women who tried their hands at some crafts, including some beautiful burlap wreaths.

And let’s not forget one of the major highlights from the retreat – a session called Girls & Guns, where lades got to “give guns a shot” and learn from a hunting expert.  Lots of smiling faces as these ladies got to try something that, for some of them, was completely new!

And who can forget one of the main highlights of Women’s Retreats? The amazing food!

Whether they were participating in all of the activities, crafts, and workshops offered, or just resting in the quiet of their room or on the shore of Cedar Lake, these women were encouraged to use their time at Camp to meet with God and with each other.

Our prayer for these retreats is that God used the time to refresh, restore, and reinvigorate these women as they go forward and live for Him.

ake it in, fill your lungs
The peace of God that overcomes
Just breathe (just breathe)
let your weary spirit rest
Lay down what’s good and find what’s best
Just breathe (just breathe)


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