
We had a final fun-filled afternoon with the Adventurer 1 Campers

We greatly enjoyed our final afternoon with the Adventurer 1 campers!

After toes up time, campers were introduced to “Cedar Lake Bingo.” Staff members stood at different landmarks around camp, and counselors led their cabins around getting signatures from the different staff members. To get the signatures, staff members made them do various things like singing a song or running somewhere and back. The cabins got points for each signature and for each bingo they got.

Take Camp Home: Ask campers what sort of goofy things they had to do for a signature during bingo!

Then came free time for crafts, games, swimming, and boating!

At the end of free time, campers were gathered at the Amphitheater for flag lowering before dinner.

After dinner came worship and evening chapel. Bobber Bill talked about how great Heaven will be and the ABC’s to asking Jesus to be your savior.

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what they learned about being a “Knight of the Lord’s Table.” See if they remember the “6 Cool Things About Heaven.”

Campers then had their cabin adventures with their counselors, and now campers are heading out to the campfire! I will talk about the campfire along with some pictures in tomorrow’s blog!

To continue following the story, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  We love to keep you updated on what your campers are up to!

Adventurers 1 – Photo Album

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