Mighty Mighty Morning!

We have had some great fun already this morning, and we have plenty more cool things in store for this afternoon!

We have had some great fun already this morning, and we have plenty more cool things in store for this afternoon!

First, let me tell you about what the campers learned in evening chapel last night. We started off with a game of “Gorilla Gets the Man,” and then we moved into worship.

Take Camp Home: Have your camper teach you “Gorilla Gets the Man,” and play it as a family!

Bobber Bill read Romans 6:23 and John 3:16 to talk about how we are all sinners, and even though we don’t deserve it, God gave His son Jesus to die for us so that we can live with Him forever! He told a story about a group of animals ruled by a King and a Prince as an analogy to tell the story of the Fall and Jesus’ death and resurrection.

This morning started off like yesterday with the polar dip and flag raising. After the flag was raised, the campers went over the actions for their memory verses this week (Colossians 3:12-13). Then, we headed into breakfast, had Options time, and went in for chapel.

After worship, Bobber Bill talked about what knights do. We read Mark 12:30-31 to learn what we are called to do as “Knights of the Lord’s Table.”

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper the two things knights do, and the two things God commands us to do as His knights. Together, brainstorm some ways your camper can live out God’s commandments.

Afterwards, campers were introduced to the game “Mini Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge.” We have a game we play called “Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge,” but it’s a little rough for the young kids, so we altered the game. It’s similar to capture the flag, but with more items moving around, and a few added rules. The kids love this game, and it is just as much fun to watch!

Then came lunch, followed by Mad Libs scene part two. The campers got to fill in the blanks to the next part of their characters’ story.

Campers are now in the main hall watching Veggie Tales for toes up time so they can rest up for all the fun to come this afternoon!

To continue following the story, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  We love to keep you updated on what your campers are up to!

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