A Mighty Fine Monday

Today was such a beautiful day to enjoy our first full day with the Junior High 2 campers! 

Today was such a beautiful day to enjoy our first full day with the Junior High 2 campers!

This morning, campers got up for the Polar Dip! Every morning this week, campers will have the option to jump in the lake for a refreshing start to their day!

Then, everyone gathered at the Amphitheater for flag raising. A cabin volunteered to raise our flag as we said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Campers were then taught their memory verse of the day (Colossians 3:12) and the actions that go along with it before heading inside for breakfast.

After breakfast, campers were dismissed for TAG time, which is Time Alone with God time. Then, everyone was gathered to take the whole camp picture for the week. Every camper will be sent home with a printed off copy, but here is a goofy one we took for fun!


We then split up boys and girls for morning chapel. The girls talked about what sisterhood with women of God looks like, and we looked at Proverbs 31:25-26 to talk about what some qualities of a Godly woman are. The boys talked about purity as a man of God and what it looks like to be imitators of Christ.

Following chapel, campers had a short amount of free time before clinics and seminars. Staff members set up and lead a variety of clinics and seminars for the campers to choose from. A clinic is usually some sort of activity, and a seminar is more of a lesson or a topic. They will be able to attend a different seminar or clinic each day this week.

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what they learned in their clinics and seminars this week. Maybe it is an interest they can continue to pursue at home!

After clinics and seminars, we got to have lunch! Then, once the tables were cleaned up, campers headed to the Amphitheater for mail call. Every day, staff members will put on a short skit for the campers before handing out their mail.

Next, campers got to enjoy their afternoon free time! They had the option to go swimming, do crafts, play laser tag, go on the zipline, get a sugary snack from the Canteen, play games, or just hang out!

Following free time was flag lowering and then dinner time. When campers finished dinner, they had another short period of free time while staff set up for “Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge.” This is a crazy fun game we started playing this year at camp that is similar to capture the flag but more is going on. The campers, and also the staff, love it, and it is so much fun to watch.

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper to teach you the “Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge” chant.

Campers are now heading to evening chapel, which I will touch on in tomorrow’s blog. After chapel is cabin devotionals and then lights out.

To continue following the story, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  We love to keep you updated on what your campers are up to!

Junior High 2- Photo Album

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