Super Kids 2 Flying in!

We had a great opening day, and we can't wait to see what this week holds!

It’s been so long since we had a group of Super Kids here at camp, and we are so ready for this week of fun! We had a great opening day, and we can’t wait to see what this week holds!

Campers arrived this afternoon to check in, and they had an opportunity to take their swim test before things got started.


When everyone was checked in, and things were ready to go, everyone gathered at the Amphitheater. Campers were introduced to the program staff members and learned who will be their cabin friend for the week. A cabin friend is a non-counseling staff member who helps out when needed and gets to know the campers.

After meeting their cabin friends, campers were shown the proper way to lower our country’s flag, as we will be doing it every afternoon. Then, campers were led to the dining hall to get their dinner, but tonight, we ate outside to have a picnic as cabin groups!

When everyone finished eating, we went into the main chapel for rules, and then we had chapel time. After worship, campers were introduced to our speaker of the week, Adam Roub. Tonight, he talked about how the blessings that come from sitting at the Lord’s Table are free, but we need to have faith in order to sit at the table. We looked at the story of David and Goliath (Found in 1 Samuel 17) to talk about David’s faith, and tonight’s memory verse was 1 John 5:4-5.


Following chapel, campers were shown around camp by their counselors and then had a little bit of free time while staff set up the Variety Show! Staff members put on a handful of short, goofy skits to break the ice with some giggles on the first night.


Take Camp Home: Ask your camper to act out their favorite skit!

Campers now have cabin devotionals, and then it will be lights out.

To continue following the story, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  We love to keep you updated on what your campers are up to!

Super Kids 2 – Photo Album

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