Chilling in the Chilly Weather

It was a pretty chilly day here at camp with the cloud coverage and a little wind, but that didn't prevent us from enjoying the outdoors!

It was a pretty chilly day here at camp with the cloud coverage and a little wind, but that didn’t prevent us from enjoying the outdoors!

In last night’s chapel, campers were taught the game “Gorilla gets the Man.” It is like full body rock-paper-scissors to a song. Then, we went into worship and the lesson. Darla talked about how having faith takes trust. She told the story of Abraham and Sarah. They had to trust God when they moved to the promise land, and sometimes their faith was tested like when Sarah didn’t believe she could bear a child and when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son. The campers learned that our faith will be tested, but promises from God can always be trusted.


Take Camp Home: Ask your camper to teach you “Gorilla gets the Man.” Try playing a few rounds as a family!

This morning started like yesterday with polar dip, flag raising, learning the memory verse of the day, breakfast, and then morning chapel. Today, campers saw a video telling the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (found in Matthew 18:21-35). Then, they went to their cabins to discuss the story.

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper to show you the actions to their memory verses of the week (Colossians 3:12-14). Pick a few different verses and try coming up with your own actions!

There was then some free time until it was time for campers to go on their final Cabin Adventure of the week.


After Cabin Adventures, it was time for lunch, and then we had another round of “Story Time with Tori!”


Then, it was Toes up Time; campers got an extra long Toes up Time today to recharge after a long week of fun. Afterwards, it was free time!


Following free time, we lowered the flag before dinner.


After dinner, we had chapel. Tonight, Darla talked about the importance of Christian community. She told the story of Deborah and Barak (found in Judges 4) and talked about how Barak had little faith and needed the support of Deborah, who was strong in her faith. The campers learned that as Christians, we are supposed to support and encourage one another, as well as seek out support when we need it.

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what they remember learning from chapel this week. Do they have some more questions about what we talked about? Use the references from the Bible stories we talked about to discuss what they learned.

Now, campers have free time until we head out to tonight’s campfire! In tomorrow’s blog, I will share the campfire activities, along with a few pictures. When we get back from the campfire, campers will have their cabin devotions and then it will be lights out.

To continue following the story, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  We love to keep you updated on what your campers are up to!

Super Kids 3 – Photo Album


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