Today was bittersweet as we celebrated everything God had done this week, campers reunited with their parents, and we sent them on their way home.
At the campfire last night, we had worship, played another round of “Gorilla gets the Man,” we heard from Bobber Bill and Darla, some campers shared their decision of faith, we went on a Lion Hunt, and then we ended with our traditional “Praise God” yell and listened as it echoed around the lake and back.
This morning, campers woke up to clean their cabins and pack up. Then, everyone walked around camp to pick up any garbage and turn in lost and found items laying around. Afterwards, we raise the flag and went in for breakfast.
Then, as parents started showing up, it was time to go into the Main Hall for the last round “Story Time with Tori!” She had another Mad Lib for the campers to fill out and then a few counselors acted out the end of the story and handed out today’s mail.
Once mail was distributed, it was time to watch the photo slideshow and highlight video of the week! After the video, we headed out to the Amphitheater for worship, prizes, our traditional Love Offering, and of course, staff members getting pied in the face!
To close, we thanked God for our really great week full of fun activities, amazing lessons, and super cool people!
Campers were dismissed from the closing rally back to their cabins for their parents to check them out.
This was such a fun week, and we are sad that it has come to an end. We are grateful for each Super Kid that came this week, and we are praying for everyone’s safe return home!
We would like to leave you with a message from our speaker: Darla Benjamin – Director of Impact, Grace Church; Roseville, MN
“This week at camp we talked about faith – using Hebrews 11 as our starting point. Through looking at Abraham & Sarah and Deborah & Barak, we learned that our faith will be tested and faith is sometimes hard. But if we put our faith in the right place – in Jesus – we will experience a victorious and everlasting faith!
“Kids were challenged to spend time in God’s Word and choose a faith buddy. Ask them about both! Many campers prayed to either receive Christ as their Savior or renew a commitment by rededicating their lives to following Jesus. The common phrase was, ‘God is King. I am not. Long Live the King!’ Thank you for building connections with your kids and helping us continue their discipleship.”
Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what the most memorable thing was about their week at camp and why.
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For full-sized versions of this weeks photos, go to our Google Drive Album!