Today was such a beautiful day to enjoy our last full day of activities with Super Kids!
In chapel last night, Don told the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (found in Daniel 3). The night’s lesson was about having courage and keeping calm in tough situations, and these three men showed this by not backing down when they were asked to do things against their beliefs.
Don also shared a story of when he was on mission in Nepal, and some people he knew were arrested for sharing about God. He later had an opportunity to share God’s word with people, and he had to put his trust in God to have the courage to do so while putting himself at risk. The people he talked to decided to accept Jesus as their savior that day.
He then handed out Gospel bracelets for everyone and sand them a song to remember what they mean. Afterwards, campers who wanted to accept Jesus as their savior were able to pray with Don.
Take Camp Home: Ask your camper about what their Gospel bracelet means and if they remember the song that goes with it.
This morning started with Polar Dip, flag raising, learning today’s memory verse (Colossians 3:14), and then breakfast.
After breakfast, it was time for morning chapel. Today in morning chapel, campers learned the game “Gorilla gets the Man,” which is like a whole body game of rock, paper, scissors. Campers then heard the Parable of the Good Samaritan (found in Luke 10:25-37).
Then, campers had free time until Cabin Adventures.
When Cabin Adventures were finished, it was time for lunch. After lunch, we had “Story Time with Tori” and filled out another Mad Lib story.
Then, it was Toes up Time, and instead of playing a game before free time, there was an hour long Toes up Time. That way, campers could be well rested for the rest of the fun we had in store for today.
After getting up from Toes up Time, campers got to go to free time!
At the end of free time, we had flag lowering before dinner time. After dinner, we had chapel. Tonight in chapel, Don talked about being faithful and doing good works that God calls us to. He told the story of the men who carried their paralyzed friend to Jesus and cut a hole in the roof to get him close to Jesus (found in Luke 5:18-25).
He also shared a story of a friend of his who lives in the Philippines. When a devastating hurricane hit, it destroyed his home and took the lives of many people. After hearing about the hurricane, Don felt called to return to the Philippines on mission, so he took a team to help as many people as they could.
Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what they learned during chapel this week. What did they take away from the lessons? Maybe they have more questions that you could talk about with them!
Now, campers have a period of free time while we set up for tonight’s campfire! There will be worship, sharing, we will hear from our speaker, and maybe even go on a Lion Hunt! In tomorrow’s blog, I will talk about the campfire activities and post a few pictures.
After the campfire, campers will go back to their cabins for devotions and then go to bed.
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