Mobile App Updates (April 2019)

It’s been just over a month since we launched the new Camp Lebanon mobile app. Here are the improvements we’ve made based on your feedback ideas!

It’s been just over a month since we launched the new Camp Lebanon mobile app.  Thank you so much for downloading it and for your positive feedback!  You also had the chance to share ideas to help us make the app even better.  Here are the improvements we’ve made based on your feedback ideas!

IDEA #1:  Can you please add a Lisa Abeler “Woo-hoo” to the media player?

Yes! You’ll find “Woo-Hoo!” as a bonus track on the Bobber Bill Soundboard.

IDEA #2: Can you add a recipe section from the kitchen?

Yes!  You’ll find a link in the Media Tab that will show you past recipes we added in the blog.

IDEA #3: Can you have optional alerts available for favorite events?

You can’t pick specific events but you can go to your notification settings and opt in to “Camp Events & Retreats.”

IDEA #4: Can you add a map of Camp on the app?

Yes! You’ll find it on the Connect Tab.

IDEA #5: Can you add a Wish List of items Camp would like to have donated?

Yes! Check out the Team Camp Tab.

IDEA #6: Is there a place I can submit my photos from events I attended?

Yes! Go to either the Media or Team Camp Tab and select “Share your Camp Stores!”  Upload as many pics as you’d like.  We’ll help include them with other event pics.

IDEA #7: Can we send notifications to parents of campers for a specific week of Camp?

We aren’t able to do it for each week, but we will be sending specific notifications for summer camps as a whole.  If your kid(s) is attending a youth camp, go to Settings > Notifications and select “Summer Youth Camp Updates.”

IDEA #8: Can you have bios of the summer staff on the app?

Yes!  We will have a link in the brand new Parents HQ area once summer gets closer.

IDEA #9: Can you have a link to donate?

Yep!  Scroll down on the Home Tab and select “give.”

IDEA #10: Do you have a spot for parents to check out Chapel topics?

Yep!  We’ll post daily blog updates from Camp with ways for you to “take Camp home.” The link is in the Parents HQ section.

In addition to your ideas, we had a few improvement ideas of our own!

#1:  We added the Parents HQ section.  

You’ll see the picture on the Home Tab. This list will give summer youth camper parents easy access to summer photos, blog, and videos.  It’ll also make it simpler to find the packing list, FAQs, and Parents Guide.

#2:  You’ll see the Media Tab is now in the place where the Blog Tab used to be.

You can still find the blog by going to the Media tab.

#3:  We added “Camp Lebanon Eyewitness News.”

You’ll find it under Media > Videos. Stay up to date!

We hope you enjoy the new updates!  If you have any other ideas please email


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