Family Camp at Camp Lebanon was an incredible time this year! We had so much fun learning more about our Awesome Creator with our speaker, Matt Stacey, playing big games, making some great crafts, exploring nature, and having tons of adventures on the waterfront and zipline.
A full week of fun, planned by the Camp Staff, plus tons of time for rest and relaxation. It was a week-long getaway for families of all shapes and sizes – and by the end of the week, it felt as though we were all one big family! As Camp’s Executive Director, Bill Abeler, put it – this week is just a small taste of what Heaven will be like!
Families had lots of opportunities to be together, and the Camp Staff also helped to provide space for parents to spend time with one another. During Chapel Times, different staff lead Kids Club times for all age groups, allowing parents to enjoy an adult chapel service. Kids got to make crafts, play field games, hunt for nature’s treasures, and even fly kites, all while learning more about Jesus!
Some highlights from the retreat were the various contests & tournaments (fishing, carpetball, & disc golf to name a few), Boat Races across the lake, the Family Fun Night, a Home Run Derby at the Wiffleball Stadium, a giant soccer game up on the North 40 Field, Wacky Olympics on the lower field, Krazy Kickball, and the grand finale – the Campfire Trek to Bass Point!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our 2019 Family Camp Week! We hope to see you again next summer!
See more photos on our Facebook Page.