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Record Year-End Donations Launch New Year!

Camp Lebanon is starting 2021 on solid financial footing thanks to God’s provision through the incredibly generous donations of Camp friends.

After a wild, challenging 2020, what does 2021 hold? Thankfully, that question can be left at throne of the Sovereign King. One known fact: Camp is starting the year on solid financial footing thanks to Almighty God’s provision through the incredible generosity of friends and church partners. 

In December alone, 321 donors contributed over $142,000 in donations, including $8818 from an estate gift and $114,544.50 from over 200 special year-end donations. Contributions ranged from $5 to $25,000, the average topping $440. 

“It’s both humbling and inspiring,” reflects Executive Director Bill Abeler. “Back in April, we were staring at a $600,000 crater and, thanks be to God, Camp finished in the black. The goal was to build a bridge to next summer and we’re half way there!” 

In reflecting back over 2020, three truths stand out. 1) God continues to have big plans for advancing His kingdom through the ministries of Camp Lebanon. 2) Camp’s friends desperately want to see the ministry continue. And 3) leadership is encouraged to move forward with planning for spring, summer, and beyond! In fact, plans are coming together to build the North 40 gym, Lord willing, in 2021. Stay tuned!

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