Campers woke up to another beautiful day at Camp! After the usual morning activities (wake up, tidy up, Polar Dip, and breakfast), campers gathered at the Steps of Faith for the big group photo! We even had time to take a silly one!

After the photo, campers went to another Morning Chapel and some study time with their cabins. Then it was time for Options Time, which is a structured Free Time with lots of different activities available for campers to participate in. After Options, they went to Cabin Adventures. Some cabins went Corcling (little saucer water toys that you can jump in and out of), others built sand castles, and others played circle games (like Mafia) on the lower field.

Cabin Adventures are fun, focused times where cabin groups hang out together with their counselor, and usually do some kind of fun activity or game. Ask your camper about Cabin Adventures during their week of Camp. Did they do anything particularly fun? What kinds of adventures did their counselor take their cabin on?
After Cabin Adventure, it was time for lunch! Today, we had nacho boats – with taco toppings, chips, and fruit for dessert. Then it was time for another Mail Call skit and Toes-Up Time! Then campers played a big game called Splash Dash, which is basically all about how drenched campers can get their counselors!
After Splash Dash, it was time for Free Time! Today started off cool in the morning, but by afternoon the heat had risen and it was the PERFECT time to get in the lake. Today was also Tie-Dye day, so the craft room was closed for the first part of Free Time while campers who signed up to dye a shirt did their colorful tie-dying!

Tonight after dinner, it was time for the Carnival! The summer staff set up a bunch of fun games down on the lower field, as well as a slip-n-slide and a Dunk Tank! Campers played games to win tickets, which they could use for things like face painting, or dunking their counselor!

After Carnival, it was time for Canteen, and then Chapel! We will fill you in on what we talked about in Chapel tomorrow. Until then, have a wonderful night and enjoy the photos we took today!
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!