2024 Super Kids 1 – Days 2 & 3

We’ve been having lots of fun at Camp this week! Our first 2024 Summer Youth Camp is off to a great start. The third day of Super Kids 1 is underway and everyone is having a good time. 

Yesterday morning, we raised the flag and went to breakfast. Afterwards, we gathered on the steps for a Camp photo! We all went to chapel after the picture and got to meet Lauren and Katie, our Missionary Monday Speakers. Before lunch, we had morning Options time and Cabin Adventures. Each day, counselors take their campers on a special Cabin Adventure around Camp!

After lunch we played a game called Counselor Clues. Campers were given clues leading them around Camp. If they followed the clues to the correct location they would find fabric squares that counted for points. Then they brought the squares to their counselors stationed around Main site. During Free time, campers went swimming, made craftswent down the zip line, played laser tag, and for the 4 o’clock Option we set up Run and Jump in the Chalet lounge. After dinner, we played Free the Sheep. All the cabins were split into the two teams who had to retrieve their lost sheep from the opposing team’s side of Camp. Everyone had fun and both teams were able to win a round!

The sheep are cared for, protected, and led by the shepherd. That's what a sheep does.

We had Evening Freetime after the game until it was time for Chapel. Afterwards, we went back to cabins and headed to bed. This morning we learned more of our Memory Verse–John 10:10-11–and sang about Fred the Moose for our Morning Movement. After breakfast, everyone went back to their cabins for clean-up and did a great job for inspections! During Options time, campers played tag, soccer, went on bug hunts, made paper airplanes, and colored with chalk in the Hub. Next we went to lunch and had Taco in a Bag. Before Toes up Time we got a special visit from our friend Baby Mutton and his family, but the Big Bad Wolf took Baby Mutton away! Where is the Good Shepherd? Will we ever see Baby Mutton again?


Talk with your camper about Chapel. Ask them why God protects us and leads even when we go astray. Can they tell you how they’ve seen or experienced that Jesus is the Good Shepherd?

Soon, we’ll gather at the Steps and get ready to play Capture the Cones on the Lower Field. After the game, we’ll head into Free time! Tonight we’ll get ready for the Carnival were campers can play games to earn tickets. Tickets can be saved for Cabin Points or used at certain Carnival booths like face paint. There is even a Dunk Tank where campers can use tickets to dunk any staff member!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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