Super Kids 1 – Top Photos

What an amazing first week of Summer Youth Camp!  We LOVED having all of these incredible Super Kids at Camp for our first summer camp, and we wanted to share some of our favorite photos from the week!  

Polar Dip

We love these photos of campers waiting in line at the Buddy Board, first thing in the morning, ready to jump into Cedar Lake for the Polar Dip!  It’s especially chilly this early in the summer – what a great wake-up call!

Meal Times

Delicious food, quality time with your cabin-mates.  What more could a camper ask for?

Swim Time!

The lake might be chilly, but that sunshine sure feels nice!  Campers put on some sunscreen and enjoyed the swimming area all week, including the Swimming Raft, for those who passed their swim tests!


Have YOU ever kissed a fish?  


Listening to our speaker, Jackson Standafer, tell stories about Jesus, the Good Shepherd.  And singing along to some super fun songs!

Screamin' Eagle Zipline

The zipline is a Camp favorite! You can soar above the trees just like an Eagle!  Make sure you do a little screaming too – hands free!

Big Group Photo!

And make sure to take a goofy one!!!

These are just SOME of the fun memories our photographer captured during the week of Super Kids 1.  Head to the link below to find the rest!

Read these next.
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