We are having a blast with our Junior High 1 campers! Lat night we changed up our schedule a bit due to thee weather. Staff put on a special edition of our Summer Variety Show for campers! Even when plans change, God makes a way for us to have joy and appreciate every moment He gives us.
Today, we started the morning with Polar Dip. Our Junior Highers finally have some sunny weather to enjoy! After raising the flag, we sang about our friend Fred the Moose and learned the rest of our Memory Verse. For Morning Chapel today, our Female Staff Supervisor Abby Sickler, spoke to the girls while Joe Akins, one our of Ministry Associates spoke to the boys..
After Chapel, counselors took their campers on a cabin adventure! Today some cabins played Mafia while other did face paint in the Hub! Following our Morning Free time, everyone met at the Ampitheatre for Lunch Line-up. We heard our scores for cabin clean up, found out what is going on during Free time, and watched some of our counselors play a game of Musical Bucket! FOr this game, counselors passed a bucket of lake water and when the music stopped, the person holding the bucket had to dump the water on the person next to them!
Ask your camper about the Variety Show! What was their favorite skit? Ask them what they would do if they were in a Variety Show.
During Mail Call, we saw some Camp Lebanon adventures go on a Safari Hunt. They ended up finding our campers’ mail on the way too! Now campers are attending Clinics and Seminars. Afterwards, we will have Free time! After Dinner, we will have Chapel and then Evening Free time. Tonight, we will be playing a new game at Camp Lebanon. The name of the game is FUGITIVE. All of our staff will be hiding around Camp trying to make it to the Court of Miracles (the Tennis Courts) without being caught by any campers!

Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!