It’s Time for an Adventure!

Adeventurers 2024 has officially begun! We could not be more excited for the time we have with these campers. Campers and staff are already having so much fun together signing songs, playing games, and making memories!

Once campers and their families arrived they went and dound their cabins. After settling in and meeting their counselors, we saw campers making their way down to the swimming docks to take their swim tests, getting yummy treats from the canteen, and hanging out in the Hub before we all met at the Steps of Faith for Flag Lowering, Who’s Who, and dinner! Last night was a picnic dinner, cabins could be found all around the Hub with their counselors and cabin buddies! Cabin buddies are Non-counseling staff at Camp who get paired with a cabin for the week. As cabin buddies we get to help and support our counselors. It also gives us a chance to get to know our campers even more.


Talk to your camper about the first night of Camp. What was their favorite thing they did the first night? Can they tell you what Bobber Bill taught them about the Good Shepherd in Chapel?

After dinner, each counselor took their cabin on a tour of Camp. Once we figured out the layout of Camp, and then we all made our way into the Main Hall for rules and Chapel, where we heard from our speaker for the week, Bobber Bill! Campers got to have some Free time following Chapel while staff put together a special Variety Show. The Variety Show is full of silly skits and impressive talents including the Camp Lebanon Kazoodlers, our very own Lois Legstrong: World Famous Jazz Musician, and the coolest boy band around Boyz in da Sink. Before we went to bed everyone went through our 3 T’s. We had so much fun yesterday and cannot wait to see what God has in store for us today!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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