2024 Junior High 2 Days 4 & 5

Junior High 2 is coming to a close, but we still have so much fun planned for these campers! This group is having a great time worshipping God and spending time in His marvelous creation. Let’s recap the past few days then look at what we still have coming for the rest of the week.

On Wednesday Morning we got up for the Polar Dip then met everyone at the Steps of Faith before breakfast. After eating, we cleaned our cabins, and then found a spot for TAG Time. During Wednesday Morning Chapel, the girls worshipped together in the Main Hall while the boys gathered in the A-Frame. Then we had Cabin time and Morning Free time until lunch. For Mail Call, we got a visit from the one-and-only ‘Troy the Boy,’ an infamous YouTuber known for his silly videos. In his final video, we even saw him unbox some of the mail! Next we went to clinics and seminars and heard from our staff about ways we can be intentional in serving the Lord and spreading Truth throughout various areas of our life.

After Clinics and Seminars, it was time for Free time. God blessed with beautiful sunny weather this week. Many campers chose to cool off by heading down to the water front. Other’s chose to brave the heat and play disc golf around Camp. For Dinner Line-up, Norway volunteered to lower the flag. Following Dinner, we went to Chapel and heard from our speaker, Jon Finke. During Evening Free time our Volleyball Tournament Winners–India and Romania cabins–faced off  at the Sand Volleyball Courts to determine the ultimate Volleyball Champions of 2024 Junior High 2. The match went to three sets and in the end, Romania cabin came out victorious!

On Wednesday Evening, we played around of Fugitive as the sun set. Fugitive is a new game at Camp Lebanon this summer. During this game, all of staff hides around the edges of Camp while campers are being told the rules. once the bell rings, campers are allowed to go out and start searching for staff members. Once they find someone, they have to capture the staff member or convince them to come to jail. If they successfully catch someone, then they lead the staff member back to the jail. Each staff member they catch is worth one point. Alternatively, if a staff member is able to make it back to the ‘Court of Miracles’ (the Tennis Courts) then they earn a point for their team. The final score was 49-21, campers won by a long shot! On Thursday, we got an additional hour of sleep to give everyone some extra energy for the day. During Thursday Morning Chapel, both guys and girls had a panel of speakers answering questions the campers submitted throughout the week. Thank you to our staff who participated in sharing wisdom and Truth! After Chapel, we had a short Free time and then met at the Ampitheatre for Lunch Line-up.

Thursday afternoon was full of fun surprises! During Mail Call, we watched as some explores searched around Camp on a safari hunt for the endangered species Lumpy. Along the way, we saw hippos, zebras, monkeys, and the evil poacher Ramsey. During Afternoon Free time, campers enjoyed swimming, boating, laser tag, crafts, and relaxing in the Hub. Once Free time was over, we met at the steps for Flag Lowering and then went to Dinner. After Dinner, we gathered in the Main Hall for our final Chapel of the week. Following we Chapel, we had Evening Free time and everyone got ready for the Campfire! The walk to Bass Point was full of laughs and group karaoke. Although it was already quite toasty outside, the warmth of the fire and beauty of God’s creation made for a memorable evening! After the ‘Praise God’ yell we made our way back to Camp and got ready for bed.

We had such an amazing week with these Junior High campers. Check out the link below to go to see all the photos from the week and make sure to be watching our social media for more updates throughout the Summer!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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