We are having so much fun with these Senior High campers! Yesterday was our first full day of the week and it could not have gone better. It is so evident God is present among these campers and staff, filling us with His spirit each and every day!

We started the day off with Polar Dip–the water is nice and warm this week! Then we raised the flag, sang about sheep, and learned the first part of our Memory Verse. After breakfast, we cleaned up our cabins and then found a spot around Camp to do our TAG Time. TAG Time is a daily practice all campers and staff participate in at Camp Lebanon. It is a set aside time for us to focus on good and be in direct communication with Him without any distractions. Next we split up for Men’s and Women’s Chapel. The boys heard from our Director of Youth Ministries, Shane Hollenbeck, while the ladies heard from one of worship leaders for the week Tori Berg.

Following Morning Chapel, we gathered at the Lower Field and got ready for the Color Challenge! For the Color Challenge, each counselor sat in a circle while campers ran around with color packets. The goal for each cabin was to get all the other counselors as colorful as possible while trying to protect their own! We had lots of fun and nobody remained safe from color. After the game, everyone came down to the lake and jumped in to get the color off.

Following the Color Challenge, we had some Free Time until lunch. Next we watched Goldilocks and the Three Bears go on a quest to find the perfect mail! After Mail Call, we heard about the options for Clinics and Seminars. Campers got to pick a staff member’s Clinic or Seminar attend and hear them speak about a topic they are passionate about! During Afternoon Free time, campers went swimming, zip lining, played laser tag, visited the Craft room, and more! Yesterday we had TWO Four o’clock Options: Mafia with Brook in the Lounge and Ultimate at the North 40 with Elias.

Ask your camper about what they learned in Chapel last night. Can they tell you how people are like sheep? Why do we need a shepherd to lead and protect us? How does God fill that role as our Good Shepherd?
After Free time, we got ready for our Star Wars theme dinner. In the Evening, campers went around Camp playing Hide and Sheep. For this game, each cabin got a list of clues leading to different locations where they can find a sheep. There were also two GOLDEN sheep hidden that made all the other sheep a cabin found worth double the points! After the game, we had Evening Free time and got ready for Chapel. Following Chapel, campers went back to their cabins for Devo Time!
Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below! Perfect to download, share, and print!