Want to know more about our new executive director, Greg Standafer? You’ve come to the right place! Here are 10 Fun Facts for you to quiz your Camp friends on! (Make sure to scroll all the way down to see some fun photos!)
- Greg was born to a dairy farming family, and to this day he harbors a secret desire to be a farmer. (No longer a secret!)
- As a child Greg wanted to be a farmer, a politician, an actor, and 3rd baseman for the MN Twins.
- As a youth, Greg went to summer camp at Shetek Baptist Camp near Slayton, MN. His first summer camp staff role was at Shetek when he was the recreation leader for 3rd-4th grade and 5th-6th grade camps the summer after his freshman year of high school.
- During his senior year of high school, Greg placed first in the state in an accounting competition. He then traveled to Columbus, OH, for the national competition where he placed tenth.
- While at Northwestern College (now The University of Northwestern), Greg was very involved in music and drama. He played the title role in the 1987 fall musical production of “The King and I.” (He was the King, not the I.)
- Greg spent time in the Army Reserves, honorably discharged in 1995.
- Not only did Greg serve as a Pastor, but his father Daryl also spent time as a Pastor and his son Jackson is currently an Associate Pastor in Long Prairie, MN. Three generations!!
- Greg enjoys playing board games with his family. His favorites are Settlers of Catan and Beyond Balderdash. He sometimes claims to have never lost a game of Beyond Balderdash, but this claim is highly suspect.
- Greg likes to sing, play instruments, and lead worship. If you attend Camp events, there is a reasonable chance you’ll eventually get to see him at the drums or playing bass guitar.
- Greg has worn shorts to work at Camp Lebanon at least one day every month for 15 straight months, including last winter. His goal is to keep this going for his entire time as Executive Director. Let’s hold him to it!

Greg is excited to serve Camp Lebanon in this new position. If you’d like to send your congratulations to him, feel free to sign the digital card HERE! See you at Camp!