Senior High – Day 1

It’s been two years since we have had a Sr. High Camp and we are so excited to hang out with these campers for the next week!  After arriving this afternoon, campers checked in at their cabins and had an opportunity to take their swim test.  Campers had free time to hang out with friends until the Opening Rally.  Everyone gathered under the big tent and watched a staff made film covering the top ten rules for having The Funnest Fun at Camp.  Cabins will be working on a team with another cabin throughout the week as they compete for the most points and the gift of a cabin party.  Cabins found out who their partners are and spent time getting to know one another.

Next on the menu, I mean schedule, was dinner.  Campers visited The Great Minnesota Get Together!  With entry ticket in hand, campers could take their pick of corndogs, fries, mini donuts, fresh fruit, cheese curds, chocolate malts and a La Croix beverage.  In true State Fair fashion, cabins spread out around Camp and found a spot to enjoy their picnic dinner.

After dinner, teams gathered to discuss their name and create a skit to introduce themselves.  Everyone gathered at the Amphitheater to share their name.  The teams were very creative and had lots of great intros!


Campers designed their own skits for introducing their team!  Ask your camper to share about their intro!  How were they involved?

Campers are enjoying free time this evening before Chapel.  The bell is ringing now, campers will have a time of worship and meet our speaker for the week.  More to come on that tomorrow!


Enjoy photos from your camper’s week at the link below!  Perfect to download, share, and print!

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