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Pies and Goodbyes

A blog post for the closing rally of Junior High 3 at Camp Lebanon

What a wonderful week! We are sad to say goodbye to all of the junior highers that were here this week. This week was full of laughter, learning, and new friendships, and we are thankful for all of the campers that came.


We ended our week with a delicious breakfast of cinnamon rolls and cereal, and then we enjoyed our last mail-call before the closing rally. Our closing rally featured a video slideshow of the week, our favorite worship songs, a love offering for Source of Life Camp in Ukraine, prizes, and of course, throwing pies into the faces of our favorite staff members. Today, Maddy, Nolan, and Lizzy are full of whipped cream to celebrate memorizing Scripture.


As we say goodbye, we are praying that these campers remember everything that they learned this week. Thank you God for a really great Junior High 3!!!

Here’s a link to the Facebook album with more pictures from the week: Junior High 3

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