Hello, summer!

It's finally here! The first week of summer camp is here!

It’s finally here! The first week of summer camp is here!

Bobber Bill was super excited to greet all the campers and their families!

Super Kids 1 kicked off with some not-so-great weather (rain and thunder for most of the evening), but we still had plenty of fun on our first day. It’s like we say here at Camp — weather is an attitude!

After campers arrived and met their counselors and cabin friends, they got the chance to take the swim test and explore Camp a little bit before learning the names of the other counselors at “Who’s Who.” Later, we had a delicious pizza dinner to refuel before rules and chapel.

Rich’s puppy Teddy visited us during chapel.

Our speaker, Adam Roub talked about creation and how we can discover things about God by looking at the things He has made, like beautiful landscapes and puppies!

After chapel, we had canteen and then got to watch a super fun variety show starring the camp staff. (You should definitely ask your camper about their favorite skit when they get home!)

We have a fun week ahead of us, regardless of the weather, but still — prayer for sunshine would be much appreciated.

I’ll be back with more tomorrow!

-Becky Boo



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