1st Half of Summer in 20 Pictures

It’s crazy to think it’s already the middle of July!  Camp is flying.  In two sentences or less, how would one sum up the summer at Camp so far? Well, in the words of Rich Olson, Camp’s Director of Youth Ministries, “Campers have been loved and Staff have been the epitome of flexibility.” It’s been an amazing summer so far and God is at work in the lives of campers and staff alike.  In this post we’re going to attempt to capture the 1st half of summer in 20 pictures.  Enjoy!

(p.s. Be sure to check back to this blog for frequent updates during the 2nd half of summer!)

1st Half of Summer in 20 Pictures

1. Weekly Campfire Trek to Bass Point.  

This Camp tradition continues on with every age group, for youth and family camps alike. It’s a highlight of every week, complete with singing some fun songs, sharing God’s blessings popcorn style, Bobber Bill’s “Lion Hunt”, and the “Praise God Yell!”

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2. Fourth Time Is the Charm.

The Camp carnival is a weekly tradition for Super Kids and Adventurers camps. One fun part of that is the “Dunk Tank.” As a camper, this is the perfect opportunity to soak your favorite counselor/staff member with ice cold water. Weston Wold got dunked not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times!

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3. Counselor Hunt!

Super Kids and Adventurers also get to enjoy a “Counselor Hunt.” The rules are simple: be the first to find (& tag) a counselor/staff member before the bell rings and you get to push them in the lake. Pictured below are some fortunate staff who were bested by the campers during this particular week.  (NOTE: Check out Byron Oostra’s perfect line form…now that’s devotion!)

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4. Cabin Time

The weekly scheduled is designed for cabins to bond with one another, strengthening current friendships and making new ones. Pictures below is the cabin of Pakistan from Adventurers.

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5. Oh yes, it’s Pie Day!

Each week campers & staff are given the opportunity to memorize Bible verses. For each verse memorized they get to put one slip of paper in the bucket with their name on it. During closing rally one girl camper, boy camper, female staff, and male staff member are drawn from the bucket. Then they get to choose the staff member of their choice and make a memory.  Hopefully the pie will be properly applied to the face, hair, ears, and up the nose 🙂

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6. “Flexcellence” – The Union of Excellence & Flexibility

Sometimes you need to call an audible due to circumstances that are out of your control. Junior High 1 experienced one of those moments when some big storms came through. Instead of chapel in the main hall, songs were sung in a crowded (windowless) hallway and the rest of chapel took place in the dining hall.  Perfect example of flexcellence!

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7. Gone Fishin’

If I was a fish the first question I’d ask them is whether or not they have a competition to see who can get caught the most. Some of these sunnies must get hooked 100+ times! The kids love it and sometimes largemouth bass, walleyes, northerns, and crappies are caught too. (pictured below: the girl on the right laughs as three boys struggle to keep up with her fishing skills.)

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8. Summer Characters & Staff Skits

There’s a summer long story going on during the Galactic Adventure with beloved characters. What adventures will they find next?

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9. Counselors Turned Heroes!

Do you remember being in 3rd – 6th grade? College and high school ages people were the coolest ever and became heroes and role models. At Camp, our staff loves kids and desires to show them the love of Christ lived out.

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10. Pie Five!

Abbey Minke, radio personality on Mix94.9 and former junior staffer at Camp, visited for a day this summer.  Little did she know there was a surPIEse waiting for her!

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11. The Camp Lebanon Variety Show!

If normal pictures are worth a thousand words, this picture is worth at least two thousand. This is a snapshot of one of many skits the staff puts on for kids each week.

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12. So Colorful!

This is just a great picture overall. Joy. Bright colors. Tie-dye. Friends. Nature. Camp.

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13. Fun at the Amphitheater. 

When the Camp bell rings there is a 75% chance you’re supposed to go to the amphitheater. Mail calls, flag raising, flag lowering, skits, seminars, games, Bible verse memory, closing rally, and more.


14. The Camp Sign.

One of the first things you see when you come to Camp is the welcome sign…well, besides the driveway and trees and other smart aleck answers 🙂  This picture is also in the running for the Best Picture of the Summer Award.


15. NEW! Nine Square in the Air.

This summer Camp installed its first Nine Square game and it has caught on quite well. It’s exactly like four square except there are nine squares and you get one hit to keep the ball from touching the ground in your square while hitting to someone else.  Come to Camp and give it a try!


16. A Legendary Performance

During Family Camp Week all guests were treated with a performance of “Swimming Buddy” by it’s author and Camp legend, Scott Woller. This performance became legendary with the addition of his daughter for a one-of-a-kind rendition.

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17. Pure Joy.

Ever wondered what Joy would look like if it was a person? Look at this picture…this is it. This picture is also in the running for the Best Picture of the Summer Award.


18. A Bobber Bill Miracle!

Unable to run at full speed, feeling the pain of shin splints, and hindered by bifocals, “Bobber” Bill Abeler scored the game ending goal during Family Camp Week. The girls couldn’t believe it and walk away  while glancing at the celebration.


19. High Flying Summer. 

This summer has been high energy, high heat, and high flying. Pictured below are a couple of campers from Junior High 1.  We’re still wondering how long they’ll be able to hold this pose.

p.s. This will be another entry in the Best Picture of the Summer Awards contest.


20. The Weather is an Attitude

A common phrase at Camp is “the weather is an attitude…so how’s the weather?” As you can see in this picture, the weather is great!  A little rain is going to stop the funnest fun from happening!



Thanks for reading!  We’re excited to see what is in store for the 2nd half of summer. Please keep us in your prayers!  To God be the Glory.

Read these next.

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