Good morning! Let’s talk about the highlights from yesterday, our first full day of Senior High week!
Unique Meals
Two things separated our meals yesterday from your average Junior High or Super Kids meal. First, we had a leisurely continental breakfast, giving the campers time to head down the dining hall right away or at the last minute before flag raising.
Second was our dinner theme: hippie night (in honor of the 2006 “Real Life” summer theme). Fresh flowers from the North 40 brightened the tables (which were lowered, so we were sitting on carpet squares on the floor), staff went all out on costumes, and we had some groovy Jesus music playing over the speakers. Also? The entire menu was vegetarian!
The Adventures of Xenon and M4
In the next installment of the saga that started on Sunday, we followed Xenon to the planets Ah-hecknah and M.A.L.K. on the desperate search for her missing father, the leader of Dark, Inc. (Throwback, anyone?)

The robot M4R14-H tried to stop her rampage, but in vain – Xenon left both planets in a state of absolute chaos and destruction. What will happen next… and how will this angry villain become our beloved Captain Kyper?
Spiritual Nourishment
We have lots of opportunities to learn more about God and grow in our faith here at Camp! A few places we could experience that yesterday were during our morning TAG time (quiet time where we read the Bible), clinics and seminars time (which covered various topics including prayer and identity in Christ), and chapel!

In morning chapel, we had a visitor named Devon from Reign Ministries. Devon talked about his experiences on the mission field and told us more about the mission trips and discipleship program available to students through Reign. He also talked about the importance of missions and how it can change the world!
Last night, Gretchen talked about how if we want to find something, we have to know what we’re looking for – if we want to seek God, we have to know what He’s like. She told us that our God is a relational God, that he wants to seek us out and wants us to know Him. “My prayer,” Gretchen said, “is that you would understand that God loves you to the point of dying for you.” Wow!
If you would have looked at the schedule last night, it would have seemed like we had a nice, early bed time… until we got back to our cabins and found a secret message! It directed all of us to dress in dark clothes and head back to the chapel for a surprise night game called Underground. Illustrating the spread of the Gospel in hostile countries, campers had to sneak around Camp to find the Underground Church. To find the Church, they had to learn a secret handshake (call and response) to determine whether it was safe to communicate with the non-counseling staff members scattered around Camp. If the staff member knew the response to the handshake, they were a member of the Church and could give them hints about the location of the Church; if they didn’t know, they were “Deceivers” and could send the campers to jail!
It was a good day! Please pray that we’ll keep having fun, staying safe, and growing closer to God!