Camp Journal: Going, going…GONE!

You know life can be
Like a baseball game
We’re on the same team
But we’re not all the same

That’s why we’ve got
To learn to play together
I didn’t join this team to sit on the bench
I’m going deep, swinging for the fence
I’ve got some friends
On base I gotta get home.

What a weekend!  When dads and their lads join together at Camp Lebanon, it is guaranteed to be a meaningful and joyful time.  Dads and Lads (& Grandpas) started off with a beautiful evening at Camp (including a stunning sunset over the lake), ushering in a weekend of fellowship and fun in God’s outdoors.  Praise the Lord for weather that encouraged playing outside, which is one of the best ways to spend father-son time!

Bobber Bill shared his love for baseball and his heart for Jesus throughout the weekend.  In the first chapel, he talked about heroes being lifted up and how, ultimately, Jesus was lifted up for us.  In another chapel lesson, he talked about imitating our heroes and how we should all be imitating Christ in our lives.  On Saturday night we welcomed Pastor Joe DiVietro, who brought his model planes and drones to put on an airshow for us up at the North 40!

It was a weekend full to the brim with adventures – the first ziplining of the season, paintball, BB guns, dodgeball, and hockey tournaments.  We even had some wiffleball batting practice down on the framework of Legends Field. The frame is up, walls are going in, and it is so exciting to see our wiffleball dream turning into a reality before our eyes!  It won’t be long now before dads, lads, moms, daughters, grandmas, and grandpas are playing in our completed stadium – can’t wait!

Camp loves to provide opportunities for families to draw closer to each other and to their Creator, so we are so excited to see how God is using our Dads N Lads retreat to bring fathers and sons into a closer relationship with each other.  Playing crazy games on the soccer field, fishing together by the calm waters of Cedar Lake, or playing 100 games of octaball every day – dads were equipped to enjoy a time away with their boys and lads were able to spend quality time with the most important man in their lives!  We call that a BIG win!

Gotta keep your eye on the ball
Swing straight and true and follow through
Don’t be afraid, whatever the call
Because we’re never alone
Our coach is there to cheer us on

It’s a wind up, here comes that ball
You gotta pray and swing
Watch it till it’s goin’, goin’, it’s gone!

Ho-oh-oh-oh-ome, ho-oh-oh-oh-ome, ho-oh-oh-ome home run
We need a home run

– Home Run (song) by Geoff Moore & The Distance

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