Happy Monday from Junior High 1!

A blog post for the first full day of Junior High 1 at Camp Lebanon

The first full day of Junior High camp for the summer was packed with the funnest fun. Monday brought us beautiful weather, a relaxing breeze, and a lot of excitement about the week to come. We also started the day with a memory verse; today we learned Romans 10:9.

This morning started with some campers jumping in the lake for the Polar Dip! It was cold and refreshing. After a wonderful breakfast of pancakes and Camp’s famous oatmeal, the campers had time to spend alone with God to read the Bible and pray. Then, after our first session of Clinics and Seminars (short classes on aspects of Christianity or on specific activities) for the summer, we had Canteen time and morning chapel! In morning chapel, the guys covered Purity and the girls talked about Shalom and Personal Wholeness. 


After a tasty lunch of tacos and a funny mail call skit, we had free time! Some highlights of free time today were swimming, crafts, wiffleball, and the first game of paintball for the summer!


Tonight in evening chapel, our speaker Phil Campbell helped us to better understand some specific parts of the Bible. He covered Matthew 19:24 and what it could have meant in the context of the time and place that it was written. He also talked about the first five books of the Bible and how they work together as a story that Jesus has a part in.

After chapel tonight, we are going to play an intense game of Capture-the-Flagthen we’ll enjoy nighttime devotionals with our cabins and look forward to more fun tomorrow!

Here is a link to the Facebook album with more pictures from the week: Junior High 1

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