The Monday Adventure

A blog post for the first full day of Adventurers Week at Camp Lebanon

Adventurers Week is off to a great start today! Monday was filled with a ton of exciting activities and a lot of learning. The day started with a bunch of campers jumping in the chilly lake for the polar dip. Then we had a delicious breakfast of pancakes, sausage, and fruit (some kids even saved pieces of their sausage to use as fishing bait – the fish love to share our breakfast)!

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After breakfast, we played a game where the campers went around Camp to find different activity stations and get stamps in their “passport.” There was a lot of running and laughter. After that, we had morning chapel with Bobber Bill; he talked about Luke chapter 5 and Mark 1:15.

Following lunch and a relaxing Toes-Up Time, it was time for the campers’ favorite game! The Camp staff and counselors all hid around Camp, and the kids were sent out to find them. If a camper found a staff member, they got to push them in the lake!


Then, it was time for free time. Free time today featured fishing, swimming, boating, crafts, and a game of wiffleball on Camp’s new Legends’ Field.

Tonight after dinner and an evening cabin adventure, we had our carnival on the ball field! There were games, cotton candy, popcorn, face-paint, a dunk tank, and a dance party. Kids collected tickets to win cabin points, and everyone had a blast! We were all sad when it was over.

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Now, the campers are in evening chapel hearing from Bobber Bill once more before bedtime. We are excited to keep learning more from Bill tomorrow  as he talks about what it looks like to be a part of God’s team.

Tune in tomorrow for more of the Adventurers’ adventure at Camp!

Here is a link to the Facebook album with more pictures from this week: Adventurers

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