The Terrific Tuesday Adventure

A blog post for the last full day of Adventurers Week at Camp Lebanon

Tuesday of Adventurers Week was full of just as much fun, laughter, and learning as the first day was. Once again, we started the day with the Polar Dip and a delicious breakfast of eggs, sausage, donuts, and Camp’s famous oatmeal.

After breakfast this morning, we played a new game! Cabins went around Camp searching for staff members dressed in ridiculous costumes. They captured the staff members and brought them back to the Steps of Faith to earn points for their cabin.

Then, we had morning chapel with Bobber Bill where we continued to talk about what it looks like to follow Jesus. After chapel, we had our morning cabin adventures! Today, a bunch of the girls had a costume dance party in the chapel. There was a lot of laughter!

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After lunch (wonderful walking-tacos), we had Toes Up Time. Today, Lisa Abeler read a story to everyone as we relaxed on the floor of the chapel. After that, we had a fashion show! The campers dressed up their counselors as funny characters using only things that they had in their cabins. There were so many creative costumes!

After that, it was free time. Today, free time featured swimming, boating, crafts, and an intense game of dodgeball on our sand volleyball court.AAA_0136 copyAAA_0121 copyAAC_0023 copy

After a delicious dinner of pasta, meatballs, and snickerdoodle cookies, we had our last chapel with Bobber Bill. Tonight he talked about reaching “home plate” and what Heaven will look like. Then, Bill gave an alter call and several kids asked Jesus into their hearts for the first time. Praise God!

Now, the campers are enjoying some Canteen time and getting ready for the traditional end-of-the-week campfire at Bass Point. We aren’t ready for this week to end, but we’re excited for all of the laughter and learning that are yet to happen tonight and tomorrow morning.

Here is a link to the Facebook album with more pictures from the week: Adventurers

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