A Marvelous Monday

A blog post for Monday of Junior High 2 at Camp Lebanon

The week of Junior High 2 is in full swing after our first full day. We have enjoyed incredible weather today as well as so many opportunities to make new friends and new memories. The day started with several campers jumping in the lake for the Polar Dip to wake up, and after a delicious breakfast of pancakes and some time spent alone with God, we were ready to get started with all of the most exciting parts of Junior High Camp.


This morning, campers had a choice of clinics and seminars they could attend (these are short classes about specific aspects of Christian faith or specific skills). After that, we had our first morning chapel for the week. Today, the girls talked about Shalom and the guys talked about Purity. Morning chapel was followed by a lot of good questions and fruitful discussions with our cabins.


After a tasty lunch of tacos and churros, it was Free Time! Today, free time featured swimming, boating, crafts, paintball, and a crazy game of SWAT! The weather was beautiful today, and Free Time is a great time to enjoy the best parts of Camp as well as to relax and get to know each other.


After dinner tonight we had evening chapel with our speaker Nate Temp. Tonight, Nate talked about the importance of intentionally choosing a team as well as what it looks like to be on God’s team. We are excited to hear more from Nate tomorrow!

Right now, the campers are enjoying some evening Canteen time before we play a group game called “The Crazy Medley.” It will definitely be crazy! Today was full of laughter and learning and getting to know each other, and we are thrilled to do it again tomorrow.

Here is a link to the Facebook album with more pictures from the week: Junior High 2

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