A Wonderful Wednesday

A blog post for Wednesday of Junior High 2 at Camp Lebanon

Our wonderful Wednesday morning here at Camp was fun and relaxing. It started once again with a refreshing Polar Dip to wake up. Then, after a tasty breakfast of waffles, we had more time to spend alone with God to pray and read our Bibles. Quiet time was once again followed by clinics and seminars, then morning chapel. Today, the girls talked about Sin, Shame, and Forgiveness, and the guys talked about Communication.

After lunch and mail call, it was Free Time once again! Today, Free Time featured paintball, swimming, crafts, and a game of dodgeball.

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After a fun dinner of spaghetti and meatballs (and cheesecake!), we headed up to Camp’s North 40 field for our traditional volleyball tournament. There was fun competition, good sportsmanship, loud music to dance to, and a ton of games happening. Everyone had a lot of fun!

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In evening chapel tonight, Nate Temp talked about what it looks like to play on “God’s team.” He talked about 2 Corinthians chapter 12 and humility. We are looking forward to a lot of good conversations about it in our cabins tonight.

Tomorrow morning is sleep-in-day before the last full day of this week. We are excited for the extra hour of sleep before another day of crazy fun!

Here is a link to the Facebook album with more pictures from the week: Junior High 2

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