Camp Journal: Adventure is Out There!

There’s nothing quite so fun as spending time with your cabin group every day! We love it so much that we even schedule in special times for cabins to have adventures together!  Going to camp is all about adventure – for some it is their first week away from home, first time at camp, or first time making friends outside of school or church.  These are big adventures in themselves!  But at Camp Lebanon, we want to make sure that campers come away with experiences that will last a lifetime.  Adventures that they can tell their friends and family about long after school has started up again.

Counselors get to plan daily Cabin Adventures, and this gives them the opportunity to build cabin unity and teamwork in their group of campers.  Since counselors get to plan these adventures throughout the week, they can make them special to the particular group of campers that they have.  If they have an energetic group, they might pick a more active adventure, like extra swim time, or a hike out to Bass Point, or a kayaking trip.

Other counselors might want to connect with a quieter cabin, so they might pick a more laid back adventure, like a tea party in the dining hall or chalk drawing on the Hub.  Other fun adventures have included (but are not limited to) costume parties, Wiffleball games, turtle hunting, and some fun circle-up games in the Treehouse.  The last thing you will ever hear a camper say at Camp Lebanon is that they are bored!  Counselors use these adventure times to help campers to get to know one another, learn how to have fun in different ways, and be creative with their time and energy.

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