Praise the Lord for a GREAT Summer 2017!

What an amazing SUMMER!  God is so good, and Summer 2017 was one of the best ever.  We had over 1700 campers here this summer, and our prayer is that each one left knowing their Creator God a little bit better!

Our theme this summer was GAME ON! We talked about being ready to live life for Christ and to teach others about who He is.  Just like a baseball player who has trained his whole life to play the game of baseball, he is meant to go out and actually play the game, not just sit on the sidelines! Our hope this summer was to help campers learn how to get in the game and to spread the good news of Jesus to everyone they know!

The ministry of summer camp is done in all areas – through fun games, cabin time and devotions, awesome chapel speakers and worship, and learning new skills.  We challenged campers to build relationships with their cabin mates, to learn something new every day (Skills or Clinics & Seminars), and to dive in to God’s Word (TAG Time, Chapels, cabin devos, etc).

Through every cabin cleaned, every dish washed, every mouth fed, every camper hugged, our year-round and summer-long staff has prayed that God’s love would be experienced here and His truth would be proclaimed.  Praise God for an amazing summer of camping ministry! Onward – and GAME ON!

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0 thoughts on “Praise the Lord for a GREAT Summer 2017!”

  1. TO: Whoever was responsible for sending those daily blogs. I enjoyed every one of them so much. And the pictures were wonderful. And it was a privilege to the Prayer Warrior for the two staff members I prayed for daily. Camp Lebanon is surely a very special place that God has used in more ways than we can imagine. When we all get to Heaven we can have a wonderful CAMP LEBANON REUNION – including, of course, ALL who have ever worked there or been touched by the ministry. BEST WISHES FOR YOU ALL

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