A Sunny Day for us to Play!

It was a beautiful day outside today; perfect weather for enjoying the outdoors here at camp!

It was a beautiful day outside today; perfect weather for enjoying the outdoors here at camp!

Last night at chapel, we worshiped, and then we got to play another round of Medieval Apples to Apples.

Then, Rocky told us about more role models in his life and the traits they taught him to have as a “Knight of the Lord’s Table.” His final role model was Jesus, and he talked about how Jesus displayed all of the traits in His life. He then invited anyone who wanted to accept Christ as their savior or rededicate their life to following God to meet with their counselor outside and pray with them. While the others were gone, we began to praise God for the relationship we can have with Him.

This morning, we had the polar dip, followed by flag raising and breakfast, campers had their TAG time, and then we went into morning chapel. The girls heard from one of our wonderful staff members Marissa. She shared about her life before she chose to follow God, and how He forgives our sins and desires us in our brokenness. The boys learned about Christian fellowship from our awesome staff member Elias, and what it looks like to live in brotherhood with one another as men of God through love and forgiveness.

After chapel, campers enjoyed some free time until clinics and seminars. Today, there were the same options for seminars as Monday so that they could go to another one they were interested in.

Then came lunch and afterwards was the mail call skit.

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper to tell you the punchline of this story.

Once the mail was handed out, campers were let loose for free time!

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what their favorite free time activity was.

After free time, campers went to flag lowering before heading into dinner.

Evening chapel came right after dinner today, and we enjoyed an extended period of worship.

Then, Rocky came up and we played another round of Medieval Apples to Apples.


Afterwards, he told us a story. He used an analogy of showing God around his house (in this case, his mind and heart) and being ashamed of what God was seeing. Using this, he talked about asking God to help us live the way He calls us to live and use our gifts for the work of the kingdom. God knows that we can’t do it alone, and he is waiting for us to ask him for help.

Campers then went back to their cabins to talk with one another about the message.

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper if they had any interesting discussions about their relationship with God over the week. See if they have any further questions they want to ask.

Now, the campers have a short amount of free time before we play “Storm the Castle.” In tomorrow’s blog, I’ll share a few pictures from tonight’s game.

After the game, there will be cabin devotional time and then lights out!

To continue following the story, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  We love to keep you updated on what your campers are up to!

Junior High 1- Photo Album

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