Setting in the Sun

Although the day started off rainy, the sun came out just in time for us to enjoy our camp activities!

Although the day started off rainy, the sun came out just in time for us to enjoy our camp activities!

In last night’s chapel, we learned about the story of Gideon (found in Judges 6-8), and we talked about how he was a Knight of the Lord’s Table.

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what Gideon’s men brought to battle and what we did in chapel to recreate their battle cry.

This morning went just like yesterday beginning with polar dip, flag raising, memory verse (today was Colossians 3:13), breakfast, and then morning chapel. In the girl’s chapel, they talked about what healthy relationships look like in friendships and in dating. The boys looked at Ephesians 5 and talked about their purpose and honoring God in everything they do.

After morning chapel, campers had morning free time before clinics and seminars. Today, they had new options!

When clinics and seminars finished, we went to lunch, and following lunch was today’s mail call skit! I was a part of the skit today, so there are no pictures of it.

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper to tell you about the mail call skits from the week. What was their favorite one?

Once mail was handed out, campers got free time!

After free time, we gathered for flag lowering.

Then we headed out to the North 40 field for dinner and the volleyball tournament!


Now campers are heading into evening chapel. Afterwards, campers will have cabin devotionals and then lights out for the night.

To continue following the story, follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  We love to keep you updated on what your campers are up to!

Junior High 2- Photo Album

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