Finale Friday!

Today, we said goodbye to our Junior High 2 campers, but not before having an awesome closing day.

Where did the week go? We had so much fun that it just flew by! Today, we said goodbye to our Junior High 2 campers, but not before having an awesome closing day.

This morning started with packing and cabin clean up, and then we went to flag raising and breakfast.

After breakfast, we did a quick sweep around camp to pick up any garbage and put away anything left lying around.

Once camp was cleaned up, we began our closing rally! Campers and their parents filed into the chapel to watch the photo slideshow and the video of highlights from the week.

Then, everyone went out to the Amphitheater for worship, prizes, and of course, pieing some staff members!

To close, we thanked God for our really great week!

We would like to leave you with a note from Phil Campbell, our Junior High 2 Speaker:

“Noble Men and Women have been positioned around the LORD’s Table. We see as it were a “Hall of Faith” leading to the table (Hebrews 11). Taking prominent seats at the table are a few characters that the Hebrew author wished for extended time to explore their faith. That is what we did this week at camp: explored the strategies of Barak, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson & Samuel, and finallyKing David. These knights of the LORD’s table were not perfect, yet they laid down their swords for the Lord of Lords. Their Faith & Victories foreshadowed the King of Kings – JESUS.

“It is here that we find our hearts fixated on Jesus who authored and perfected our faith. He set the example for our discipleship, and being a disciple means that we undergo discipline not only for our good, but so that we may share in His majesty, His holiness. The quest of the LORD’s table is not only the will to die for the King – but are we surrendered to Live for the King (Rom.12:1,2). We take up arms to follow him, but we also lay them down in humility – understanding that it is not by our own might, power, chariots, or horses – but by the Spirit of the Lord that we are more than conquerors.”

Take Camp Home: Ask your camper what the most memorable thing of the week was and why.

After closing rally came to a completion, campers were checked out of their cabins and said their goodbyes. We are praying for everyone’s safe travels home. We hope to see you all back again next year, to Victory!

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Junior High 2- Photo Album

For full-sized versions of this weeks photos, go to our Google Drive Album!

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